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Lavori su riviste scientifiche internazionali
- Pompili M, Ehrlich S, De Pisa E, Mann JJ, Innamorati M, Cittadini A, Montagna B, Iliceto P, Romano A, Amore M, Tatarelli R, Girardi P. White matter hyperintensities and their associations with suicidality in patients with major affective disorders. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience 2007;257:494-499. 2.747
- Pompili M, Innmorati M, Lester D, Brunetti S, Tatarelli R, Girardi P. Gender effects among undergraduates relating to suicide risk, impulsivity, aggression and self-efficacy. Personality and Individual Differences 2007;43:2047-2056. 1.878
- Pompili M, Girardi P, Tatarelli R, De Pisa E, Tondo L, Akiskal KK, Akiskal HS. TEMPS-A (Rome): Psychometric validation of affective temperaments in clinically well subjects in mid- and south Italy. Journal of Affective Disorders 2008:107:63-75 3.763
- Pompili M, Lester D. Innamorati M, De Pisa E, Amore M, Ferrara C, Tatarelli R, Girardi P. Quality of life and suicidal risk in patients with diabetes mellitus. Psychosomatics 2009;50:16-23 1.713
- Pompili M, Lester D, De Pisa E, Del Casale A, Tatarelli R, Girardi P. Surviving the suicides of significant others: a case study. Crisis 2008;29:45-48 1.141
- Pompili M, De Pisa E, Innamorati M, Lester D, Puccinno M, Tatarelli R, Girardi P. Suicide risk and exposure to mobbing. Work 2008;31:237-243.
- Pompili M, Lester D, Leenaars A, Tatarelli R, Girardi P. Suicide and psychache: a preliminary investigation. Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior 2008;38:116-121. 1.454
- Pompili M, Lester D, Innamorati M, Erbuto D, Gentili F, Tatarelli R, Girardi P, De Pisa E. Reasons for living and sleeping patterns among youths. A further contribution to suicide prevention. International Journal of Medicine 2008;1:6-11
- Pompili M, Lester D, Innamorati M, Tatarelli R. Girardi P. Assessment and treatment of suicide risk in schizophrenia. Expert Review of Neurotherapeuthics 2008;8:51-74.
10. Pompili M, Innamorati M, Raja M, Falcone I, Ducci G, Angeletti G, Lester D, Girardi P, Tatarelli R, De Pisa E. Suicide risk in depression and bipolar disorder: do impulsiveness-aggressiveness and pharmacotherapy predict suicidal intent? Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment 2008:4:247-255.
11. Pompili M, Vanacore N, Macone S, Amore M, Perticoni G, Tonna M, Sasso E, Lester D, Innamorati M, Gazzella S, Di Bonaventura C, Giallonardo A, Girardi P, Tatarelli R, De Pisa E. Depression, hopelessness and suicide risk among patients suffering from epilepsy. Annali Dell’Istututo Superiore di Sanità 2007;43:425-429
12. Innamorati M, Pompili M, Lester D, Tatarelli R, Girardi P. Recreational drug use and suicidality among Italian young adults. Journal of Addictive Diseases 2008;27:51-59 1.234
13. Pompili M, Rihmer Z, Akiskal HS. Innamorati M, Iliceto P, Akiskal KK, Lester D, Narciso V, Ferracuti S, Tatarelli R, De Pisa E, Girardi P. Temperament and personality dimensions in suicidal and non-suicidal psychiatric inpatients. Psychopathology 2008;41:313-321 1.637
14. Pompili M, Innamorati M, Mosticoni S, Lester D, Del Casale A, Ardenghi G, Volterri S, Angelone M, Comazzetto C, Gentili F, Erbuto G, Verrastro R, Manfredi G, Gipponi G, Girardi P, Tatarelli R, Grispini A. Suicide Attempts in major affective disorders. Clinical Neuropsychiatry 2007;3:106-110.
15. Innamorati M, Pompili M, Ferrari V, Girardi P, Tatarelli R, Lester D. Cannabis Use and the Risk Behavior Syndrome in Italian University Students: Are they related to suicide risk? Psychological Report 2008;102:577-94 0.346
16. Pompili M, Innamorati M, Masotti V, Personne’ F, Lester D, Di Vittorio C, Tatarelli R, Girardi P, Amore M. Suicide in the elderly: A psychological autopsy study in a North Italy area (1994-2004). American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 2008;16:727-735. 3.353
17. Pompili M, Lester D, Grispini A, Innamorati M, Calandro F, Iliceto P, De Pisa E, Tatarelli R, Girardi P. Completed suicide in schizophrenia: evidence from a case-control study. Psychiatry Research 2009;167: 251–257 2.373
18. Innamorati M, Pompili M, Masotti V, Persone’ F, Lester D, Tatarelli R, Girardi P, Amore M. Completed Suicide vs. Attempted Suicide in Psychiatric Patients: a Psychological Autopsy Study. Journal of Psychiatric Practice 2008;14:216-224
- 19. Pompili M, Innamorati M, Mann JJ, Oquendo MA, Lester D, Del Casale A, Serafini G, Rigucci S, Romano A, Tamburello A, Manfredi G, De Pisa E, Ehrlich S. Giupponi G, Amore M, Tatarelli R, Girardi P. Periventricular white matter hyperintensities as predictors of suicide attempts in bipolar disorders and unipolar depression. Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry 2008;32: 1501–1507 2.823
20. Pompili M, Innamorati M, Lester D, Akiskal HS. Rihmer Z. Del Casale A, Amore M, Girardi P, Tatarelli R. Substance abuse, temperament and suicide rsk: evidence from a case-control study. Journal of Addictive Diseases 2009; 28:13–20 1.234
21. Masocco M, Pompili M, Vichi M, Vanacore N, Lester D, Tatarelli R. Suicide and marital status in Italy. Psychiatric Quarterly 2008;79:275-285 0.909
22. Pompili M. Suicide on my mind, prevention on my agenda. Clinical Neuropsychiatry 2008;5:162-167
23. De Filippisi S, Erbuto D, Gentili F, Innamorati M, Lester D, Tatarelli, R, Martelletti P, Pompili M. Mental turmoil, suicide risk, illness perception, and temperament, and their impact on quality of life in chronic daily headache. Journal of Headache and Pain 2008;9:349–357 2.137
24. Innamorati M, Pompili M, De Filippisi S, Gentili F, Erbuto D,Lester D, Tamburello A, Iacorossi G, Cuomo I, Dominici G, Tatarelli, R, Martelletti P. The validation of a new scale to measure perceived disability in chronic headache sufferers. Journal of Headache and Pain 2009;10:21–26 2.137
25. Pycha R, Pompili M, Innamorati M, Schwitzer J, Lester D, Sani G, Tatarelli R, Giupponi G. Sex and ethnic differences among South Tirolean suicides: a psychological autopsy study. European Psychiatry 2009;24:47-56 3.080
26. Pompili M, Lester D, Innamorati M, Del Casale A, Girardi P, Ferracuti S, Tatarelli R. Preventing Suicide in Jails and Prisons: Suggestions from Experience with Psychiatric Inpatients. Journal of Forensic Sciences 2009;54;1155-1162 1.524
27. Pompili M, Innamorati M, Giupponi G, Pycha R, Rihmer Z, Del Casale A, Manfredi G, Celentano A, Fiori Nastro P, Ferracuti S, Girardi P, Tatarelli R, Akiskal HS. Die Wechselwirkung von Temperament und Persönlichkeit bei der Prädiktion des Suizidrisikos von bipolaren und unipolar depressiven Patienten [The interplay between temperaments and personality in the prediction of suicide risk in bipolar disorder and unipolar depression]. Nervenarzt 2009;80:315-23 0.776
28. Pompili M, Rihmer Z, Innamorati M, Lester D, Girardi P, Tatarelli R. Assessment and treatment of suicide risk in bipolar disorders. Expert Review of Neurotherapeuthics 2009;9:109-36
29. Vichi M, Mosocco M, Pompili M, Lester D, Tatarelli R, Vanacore N. Suicide mortality in Italy: 1980-2002. Psychiatric Research 2010;175:89-97 2.373
30. Girardi P, Pompili M, Innamorati M, Mancini M, Serafini G, Mazzarini L, Del Casale A, Tatarelli R, Baldessarini RJ. Duloxetine in Acute Major Depression: Review of Comparisons to Placebo and Standard Antidepressants Using Dissimilar Methods. Human Psychopharmacology 2009;24:177-90 2.496
31. Pompili M, Masocco M, Vichi M, Lester D, Innamorati M, Tatarelli R, Vanacore N. Suicide among Italian adolescents: 1970-2002. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 2009;18:525-33. 1.651
32. Pompili M. Exploring the phenomenology of suicide. Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior 2010;40:234-244 1.454
33. Roy A, Pompili M. Management of schizophrenia with suicide risk. Psychiatric Clinics of North America 2009;32:863-83 1.866
34. Innamorati M, Tamburello A, Lester D, Rigucci S, Amore M, Di Vittorio C, Girardi P, Tatarelli R, Pompili M. Socioeconomic Risk Factors in the Precipitation of Suicide in the Elderly. The Open Geriatric Medicine Journal 2009, 2, 28-33
35. Innamorati M, Tamburello A, Lester D, Amore M, Girardi P, Tatarelli R, Pompili M. Inequalities in suicide rates in the European elderly: Trends and impact of macro socioeconomic factors between 1980-2006. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry 2010; 2010;55:229-38. 2.293
36. Pompili M, Di Cosimo D, Innamorati M, Lester D, Tatarelli R, Martelletti P. Psychiatric comorbidity in patients with chronic daily headache and migraine. A selective overview including personality traits and suicide risk. Journal of Headache in Pain 2009;10:283-90. 2.137
37. Pompili M, Serafini G, Del Casale A, Innamorati M, Girardi P, Tatarelli R, Lester D. Improving adherence in mood disorders: The struggle against relapse, recurrence and suicide risk. Expert Review of Neurotherapeutics 2009;9:985-1004
38. Cardone R, Amore M, Pompili M, Ciampalini S, De Feo A, Fotaras M, Colonna A, Leomporra G, Cannizzaro C, Ghirardini A . Suicide in the National Protocol. Annali Istituto Superiore di Sanitá 2009;45:205-12
39. Rigucci S, Serafini G, Pompili M, Kotzalidis GD, Tatarelli R. Anatomical and functional correlates in Major Depressive Disorder: the contribution of neuroimaging studies. World Journal of Biological Psychiatry 2009 Aug 9:1-16 5.564
40. Lester D, Battuello M, Innamorati M, Falcone I, De Simoni E, Del Bono SD, Tatarelli R, Pompili M. Partecipation in sport activities and suicide prevention. International Journal of Sport Psychology 2010;41:58-72 0.959
41. Pompili M, Iliceto P, Innamorati M, Rihmer Z, Lester D, Akiskal HS, Girardi P, Ferracuti S, Tatarelli. Suicide risk and personality traits in physically-sexually abused acute psychiatric inpatients: a preliminary study. Psychological Reports 2009;105:554-68. 0.346
42. Pompili M, Innamorati M, Del Casale A, Serafini G, Forte A, Lester D, Raja M, Amore M, Tatarelli R, Girardi P. No cathartic effect in suicide attempters admitted to the emergency department. Journal of Psychiatric Practice 2009;15:433-441.
43. Pompili M, Baldessarini RJ, Tondo L, Innamorati M, Tatarelli R, Girardi P, De Pisa E. Response to Intravenous Antidepressant Treatment by Suicidal versus Nonsuicidal Depressed Patients. Journal of Affective Disorders 2010;122:154–158 3.763
44. Pompili M, Innamorati M, Giupponi G, Pycha R, Serafini G, Del Casale A, Dominici G, Iacorossi G, Forte A, Ferracuti S, Tatarelli R, Girardi P. Suizidversuche bei Affektiven Störungen in der Notaufnahme [Suicide Attempts in Emergency Major Mood Disorders] Neuropsychiatrie 2010;24:56-63 1.381
45. Girardi P, Serafini G, Pompili M, Innamorati M, Tatarelli R, Baldessarini RJ. Prospective, open study of long-acting injected risperidone versus oral antipsychotics in 88 chronically psychotic patients. Pharmacopsychiatry (in press) 2.317
46. Pompili M, Innamorati M, Tatarelli R. Suicide attempt. Clinical Neuropsychiatry 2009,6:181-187
47. Pompili M, Cuomo I, Innamorati I, Lester D, Forte A, Serafini G, Girardi P, Serra G, Ruberto A, Tatarelli R, De Filippis S.High lethality suicide attempts among chronic schizophrenia patients. Clinical Neuropsychiatry 2009,6:202-207
48. Iliceto P, Candilera G, Funaro D, Pompili M, Kaplan KJ, Markus-Kaplan M. Hopelessness, temperament, anger and interpersonal relationships in Holocaust survivors’ grandchildren. Journal of Religion Health (in press) 0.358
49. SerafiniG, Pompili M, Del Casale A, Mancini M, Innamorati M, Lester D, Girardi P, Tatarelli R. Duloxetine versus venlafaxine in treatment of unipolar and bipolar major depression. La Clinica Terapeutica (in press)
50. Giupponi G, Pycha R, Dell’Osso B, Pompili M, Walpoth M, Hausmann, Di Pauli J, Erfurth A, Canca A. Neurophysiological and neuropsychiatric aspects of transcranial magnetic stimulation. Clinical Neuropsychiatry 2009;6;234-245
51. Masocco M, Pompili M, Vanacore N, Innamorati M, Lester D, Girardi P, Tatarelli R, Vichi M. Completed suicide and marital status according to the Italian region of origin. Psychiatric Quarterly 2010;81:57-71 0.909
52. Pompili M, Serafini G, Di Cosimo D, Dominici G, Innamorati M, Lester D, Forte A, Girardi N, De Filippis, Tatarelli R, Martelletti P. Psychiatric comorbidity and suicide risk in patients with chronic migraine. A selective review. Neuropsychiatric Diseases and Treatment 2010;6:81-91
53. Pompili M, Serafini G, Innamorati M, Möller-Leimkühler AM, Giupponi G, Girardi P, Tatarelli R, Lester D. The hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis and serotonin abnormalities: a selective overview for the implications of suicide prevention. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience (in press) 2.747
54. Pompili M , Innamorati M, Narciso V, Kotzalidis GD, Talamo A, Girardi N, Lester D , Tatarelli R. Burnout, hopelessness and suicide risk in medical doctors. La Clinica Terapeutica (in press)
55. Iliceto P, Pompili M, Girardi P, Vincenti C, Rihmer Z, Tatarelli R, Akiskal H. Hopelessness, temperament and health perception in heroin addicts. Journal of Addictive Diseases (in press) 1.234
56. Pompili M, Tatarelli R, Girardi P, Tondo L, Baldessarini RJ. Suicide risk during anticonvulsant treatment. Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety, 2010;19: 525–528 2.527
57. Pompili M, Innamorati M, Serafini G, Forte A, Cittadini A, Mancinelli I, Calabró G, Dominici G, Lester D, Akiskal, HS, Rihmer, Z, Iacorossi G, Girardi N, Talamo A, Tatarelli R. Suicide attempters in the emergency department before hospitalization in a psychiatric ward. Perspectives in Psychiatric Care (in press) 1.000
58. Serafini G, Pompili M, Innamorati M, Iacorossi G, Cuomo I, Della Vista M, Lester D, De Biase L, Girardi P, Tatarelli R. The impact of anxiety, depression and suicidality on quality of life and functional status of patients with congestive heart failure and hypertension. The Primary Care Companion To The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 2010 (in press).
59. Pompili M. From bench to bedside in the prevention of suicide: a never ending back and forth journey. Crisis 2010;31:59–61 1.141
60. Pompili M, Serafini G, Innamorati M, Dominici G, Ferracuti S, Kotzalidis GD, Serra G, Girardi P, Janiri L, Tatarelli R, Sher L, Lester D. Suicidal Behavior and Alcohol Abuse. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2010;7:1392-1431.
61. Pompili M, Innamorati M, Lester D, Girardi P, Tatarelli R. Nearly lethal resuscitated suicide attempters have no low serum levels of cholesterol and triglycerides. Psychological Reports 2010;106:785-90. 0.346
62. Grangeon MC, Seixas C, Quarantini LC, Miranda-Scippa A, Pompili M, Steffens DC, Wenzel A, Lacerda ALT, Reis de Oliveira I. White matter hyperintensities and their association with suicidality in major affective disorders: a meta-analysis of magnetic resonance imaging studies. CNS Spectrums 2010;15:375-81 2.197
63. Pompili M, Serafini G, Innamorati M, Serra G, Dominici G, Fortes Lindau J, Pastina M, Telesforo L, Lester D, GirardiP, Tatarelli R, Martelletti P. Patient outcome in migraine prophylaxis: the role of psychopharmacological agents. Patient Related Outcome and Measures 2010:1 107–118.
64. Giupponi G, Bizzarri J, Pycha R, Innamorati M, Lester D, Conca A, Girardi P, Tatarelli R, Pompili M. Socioeconomic risk factors and depressive symptoms in alcohol use disorders among male suicides in South Tirol. Journal of Addictive Diseases 2010;29(4):466-74. 1.234
65. Innamorati M, Lester D, Amore M, Girardi P, Tatarelli R, Pompili M. Alcohol consumption predicts the EU suicide rates in young women aged 15-29 years but not in men: Analysis of trends and differences among early and new EU countries since 2004. Alcohol 2010;44:463-469 2.407
66. Shrivastava A, Megan E Johnston ME, Shah N, Innamorati M, Stitt L , Thakar M, Lester D, Pompili M. Persistent suicide risk in clinically improved schizophrenia patients during a ten-year follow-up: the challenge of the suicidal dimension. Neuropsychiatric Diseases and Treatment 2010:6 633–638
67. Serafini G, Pompili M, Innamorati M, Fusar-Poli P, Akiskal HS, Rihmer Z, Lester D, Romano A, de Oliveira IR, Strusi L, Ferracuti S, Girardi P, Tatarelli R. Affective temperamental profiles are associated with white matter hyperintensity and suicidal risk in patients with mood disorders. Journal of Affective Disorders 2011;129(1-3):47-55 3.763
68. Innamorati M, Pompili M, Serafini G, Lester D, Erbuto D, Amore M, Girardi P, Tatarelli R. Psychometric properties of the Suicidal History Self-Rating Screening Scale. Archives of Suicide Research 2011;15(1):87-92
69. Pompili M, Innamorati M, Szanto K, Di Vittorio C, Conwell Y, Lester D, Tatarelli R, Girardi P, Amore M. Life events as precipitants of suicide attempts among first-time suicide attempters, repeaters, and non-attempters. Psychiatry Research 2011;186(2-3):300-5 2.373
70. Gonda X, Fountoulakis KN, Harro J, Pompili M, Akiskal HS, Bagdy G, Rihmer Z. The possible contributory role of the S allele of 5-HTTLPR in the emergence of suicidality. Journal of Psychopharmacology (in press) 3.647
71. Pompili M, Innamorati M, Vichi M, Masocco M, Vanacore N, Lester D, Serafini G, Tatarelli R, De Leo D, Girardi P. Inequalities and Impact of Socioeconomic-Cultural Factors in Suicide Rates across Italy. Crisis 2011;32:178-85 1.141
72. Pompili M, Baldessarini RJ. Risk of suicidal behavior with antiepileptic drugs. Nature Reviews Neurology 2010;6:651-653 6.362
73. Tatarelli R, Serafini G, Innamorati M, Lester D, Girardi P, Pompili M. Psychiatric diagnoses during institutionalization: an investigation of 1334 psychiatric patients hospitalized in an Italian asylum during the 20th Century. Wiener Klinische Wochenschrift 2011;123:135-144 0.955
74. Pompili M, Serafini G, Innamorati M, Ambrosi E, Giordano G, Girardi P, Tatarelli R, Lester D. Antidepressants and Suicide Risk: A Comprehensive Overview. Pharmaceuticals 2010, 3, 2861-2883
75. Pompili M. Suicide on my mind. A look back and ahead at suicide prevention in Italy. Minerva Medica 2010;101(5):353-62. 0.949
76. Pompili M, Iliceto P, Luciano D, Innamorati M, Serafini G, Del Casale A, Tatarelli R, Girardi P, Lester D. Higher hopelessness and suicide risk predict lower self-deception among psychiatric patients and clinically-well subjects. Rivista di Psichiatria 2011;46:24-30 0.207
77. Innamorati M, Pompili M, Gonda X, Amore M, Serafini G, Niolu C, Lester D, Rutz W, Rihmer Z, Girardi P. Psychometric properties of the Gotland Scale for Depression in Italian psychiatric inpatients and its utility in the prediction of suicide risk. Journal of Affective Disorders 2011;132:99-103 3.740
78. Pompili M, Venturini P, Innamorati M, Serafini G, Telesforo L, Lester D, Girardi P. The role of asenapine in the treatment of manic or mixed states associated with bipolar I disorder. Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment 2011:7 259–265
79. Rihmer Z, Erdos P, Ormos M, Fountoulakis KN, Vazquez G, Pompili M, Gonda X. Association between affective temperaments and season of birth in a general student population. Journal of Affective Disorders 2011;132:64-70 3.740
80. Lester D, Iliceto P, Pompili M, Girardi P. Depression and suicidality in obese patients. Psychological Reports 2011;108:367-368 0.439
81. Scuderi G,. Pompili M, Innamorati M, Pasquale N, Pontremolesi S, Erbuto D, Mazzeo F, Venturini P, Lester D, Serafini G, Tatarelli R, Girardi P. Affective temperaments are associated with higher hopelessness and perceived disability in patients with open-angle glaucoma. International Journal of Clinical Practice 2011;65:976-84 2.309
82. Girardi P, Pompili M, Innamorati M, Serafini G, Berrettoni C, Angeletti G Koukopoulos A, Tatarelli R, Lester D, Rosselli D, Primiero FM. Temperament, post-partum depression, hopelessness and suicide risk among women soon after delivering. Women and Health 2011;51:511-24 0.895
83. Pompili M, Serafini G, Innamorati M, Lester D, Tatarelli R, Shrivastava A, Girardi P, Nordentoft M. Suicide risk in first episode psychosis: A selective review of the current literature. Schizophrenia Research 2011;129:1-11 4.374
84. Serafini G, Pompili M, Innamorati M, Giordano G, Tatarelli R, Lester D, Girardi P, Dwivedi Y. Glycosides, depression and suicidal behaviour: the role of glycoside-linked proteins. Molecules. 2011;16:2688-713 1.988
85. Vento AE, Schifano F, Corkery JM, Pompili M, Innamorati M, Girardi P, Ghodse H. Suicide verdicts as opposed to accidental deaths in substance-related fatalities (UK, 2001-2007). Progress in Neuropsychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry 2011;35:1279-83 2.877
86. Pompili M, Rihmer Z, Akiskal H, Amore M, Gonda X, Innamorati M, Lester D, Perugi G, Serafini G, Telesforo L, Tatarelli R, Girardi P. Temperaments mediate suicide risk and psychopathology among patients with bipolar disorders. Comprehensive Psychiatry (in press) 2.377
87. Giupponi G, Conca A, Schmidt E, Hinterhuber H, Pompili M, Pycha R. Suicide in ethnic and cultural minorities - a research on literature. Neuropsychiatrie 2011;25:93-102 1.381
88. Iliceto P, Pompili M, Candilera G, Rosafio I, Erbuto D, Battuello M, Lester D, Girardi P. Temperament, Insecure Attachment, Impulsivity and Sexuality in Women in Jail. Journal of Forensic Nursing (in press)
89. Iliceto P, Pompili M, Lester D, Gonda X, Niolu C, Girardi N, Rihmer Z, Candilera G, Girardi P. Relationship between temperament, depression, anxiety, and hopelessness in adolescents: A Structural Equation Model. Depression Research and Treatment 2011;2011:160175
90. Pompili M, Serafini G, Innamorati M, Ambrosi E, Telesforo L, Venturini P, Giordano G, Battuello M, Lester D, Girardi P. Unmet treatment needs in schizophrenia patients: Is asenapine a potential therapeutic option? Expert Review of Neurotherapeutics 2011;11:989-1006
91. Serafini G, Pompili M, Fusar-Poli P, Porfiri G, Giordano G, Ferracuti S, Girardi P, Tatarelli R. Bupropion and panic disorder: case report and review of the literature. Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences. 2011;23:47-50 1.981
92. Del Casale A, Kotzalidis GD, Rapinesi C, Serata D, Ambrosi E, Simonetti A, Pompili M, Ferracuti S, Tatarelli R, Girardi P. Functional neuroimaging in obsessive-compulsive disorder. Neuropsychobiology. 2011;64:61-85 2.567
93. Serafini G, Pompili M, Haghighat R, Pucci D, Pastina M, Lester D, Angeletti G, Tatarelli R, Girardi P. Stigmatization of schizophrenia as perceived by nurses, medical doctors, medical students and patients. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental health Nursing 2011;18:576-585 1.025
94. Roma P, Spacca A, Pompili M, Lester D, Tatarelli R, Girardi P, Ferracuti S.The epidemiology of homicide-suicide in Italy: A newspaper study from 1985 to 2008. Forensic Science International 2012 Jan 10;214(1-3):e1-5 1.821
95. Pompili M, Innamorati M, Rihmer Z, Gonda X, Serafini G, Akiskal H, Amore M, Niolu C, Sher L, Tatarelli R, Perugi G, Girardi P. Cyclothymic-depressive-anxious temperament pattern is related to suicide risk in 346 patients with major mood disorders. J Affect Disord. 2011 Dec 16. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 22177743. 3.786
96. Innamorati M, De Leo D, Rihmer Z, Serafini G, Brugnoli R, Lester D, Amore M, Pompili M, Girardi P. Tobacco smoking and suicidal ideation in school-aged children 12-15 years old: impact of cultural differences. J Addict Dis. 2011 Oct;30(4):359-67. 1,234